It is really necessary to know how to converse well with any acquaintance at any time and any place. you need to make sure you communicate your thought the way you want. So here are a few tips sure to impress others. 


  • DRESS WELL - Remember first impressions are important, and most of the people just you by the way you dress. So dress according to the best image of yourself, it will help you gain confidence and keep you on track.

  • BE MINDFUL OF YOUR NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION - People always treat you the way your aura commands. So remember to have a facade accordingly;  for example - keep a smile so that it makes you more approachable and puts people at ease.

  • FIRM HANDSHAKE - Have a firm and tight handshake that emanates confidence. But remember to not hold it for too long or too tight. Check this link to learn a proper handshake

  • HAVE AN EFFECTIVE INTRODUCTION - Your introduction needs to get your name there. Keep it short and sweet, know the acquaintance then introduce yourself with their respect, and don't brag. 

  • HAVE PROPER EYE CONTACT - Eye-contact shows people that you are confident of yourself and what you say, it also tells that you are not shifty or lying. So maintain eye- contact throughout your conversation but take breaks intermittently ( while laughing, nodding, and acknowledging the other person, looking at the sky/weather, looking off to the side briefly, as if remembering something, running your hands through your hair, etc) so that you don't intimidate the other person.


  • BE GENUINELY INTERESTED - Strive to know him / her though the conversation. Talk only if you are interested in them, and if it is important, at least act the part, because he/she is going to speak openly only if he/she thinks you are listening. 

  • FOCUS ON THE POSITIVES - Choose positive and meaningful topics that don't include the ill-speaking of anyone or anything.

  • CONVERSE NOT DEBATE OR ARGUE - It's okay if you don't agree with what the other person is saying. You can just tell them your point of view and let them be.

  • RESPECT - You need to embrace each others' differences, space and point of view. Don't impose or criticise.

  • BE TRUE TO YOURSELF - Don't act according to the others' wishes, don't mime while changing your usual behaviour. speak up and be ready to share your own thoughts, even if it's different from others.

  • PUT THE PERSON IN HIS HIS/ HER BEST LIGHT - Make the person look good without being unauthenticated. It helps them feel confident and puts you in the good light also.  

  • 50-50 SHARING - Be a good conversation maker and a listener. Don't dominate the conversation, or hold up your thoughts. You are meant to learn and share, thoughts and ideas.

  • ASK PURPOSEFUL QUESTIONS - Don't ask kiddish questions, or questions with obvious answers. Ask meaningful questions with elicit answers.

  1. Say less 
  2. Be specific 
  3. Stay Focused
  4. Stay in with tact 
  1. Don't interrupt  
  2. Take criticism successfully 
  3. Accept what is said with it giving advice 
  4. Be empathetic 

  1. Get all facts 
  2. Be honest 
  3. Check your interpretations 
  4. Listen to yourself 


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