We may find ourselves in times where we need extra money, or simply have free time and want to spend it on extra income. No matter what your reasons are it's never to later or early to start making money plus like Warren Buffett said and I quote "Never depend on a single income, make investments to create a second source."
- DO HOME CHORES - Ask your parents money to do extra house hold work like - cleaning windows, cooking meals, doing the laundry, etc - this way you help your parents and get money.
- SET UP A STREET STALL - Make simple and easy to sell items like - lemonade, milkshakes, cookies, etc - and go to places with lots of people who can buy them.

- SET UP AND EXIBITION - If you are artsy, spend time making pieces of art like - paintings, lanterns, bags, etc - that are usable or good pieces of decoration then arrange them in a apt place and invite befitting buyers. You can also ask your friends to help.

- ORGANISE A FUN FAIR - If you have a lot of kids in your area, go to a nearby park or your lawn, and arrange stalls with - popcorn and snacks, games like 'aim the target', hopscotch and tic-tac-toe, prizes, etc - and invite all kids in the area, you can also put up banner. Take help from friends.

- ORGANISE A TALENT SHOW OR PLAY - It's time to show off your skills to everyone, and be payed for the time you spent learning and nurturing your hobbies. You can ask several other interested people to join to and arrange events like - sports tricks, dances, concerts, food making, etc.

- SELL JUNK - Check your house for scrap materials and sell them to earn money. If you have usable stuff like - accessorises, clothes, extra and barely used stationery, old bags, electronics, bikes, etc, sell them to buyers online or in you neighbour. And if you have unusable stuff like - paper, faulty electronic devices, cardboard boxes, etc, give them to the closet recycling centre.
- TRADE ONLINE - If you have anything you don't need you could sell them easily on websites like - ebay, olx,etc. You could also make or buy cheaper stuff and sell it on websites like- amazon, flipcart, etc.
- TEACH - If you are good at anything like - educational subjects, sports, art and craft, instruments or singing, etc - find some kids in your neighbourhood and teach them your hobbies. This way you'll know people in your neighbour and earn money while spreading and doing what you like.
- START A BLOG OR WEBSITE - It is very easy to make a blog. So choose a subject you know well, or any random topics and write about them. Don't forget to put ads on them!
- BECOME A YOUTUBER- Now a days, youtube is a rave, all of us spend hours on youtube watching random videos. You could upload videos of your expertise like - sports, dance choreography, teaching, making song covers, etc. If you aren't good at videoing or don't want to show your face, you could use video making tools and just type and post pictures.

- DO PART TIME JOBS - You can spend your free time everyday to earn extra money by doing simple joys like- be a waiter, clean a place, clean and trim plants in a lawn, work at the cafe or supermarket, etc. If you don't know what to do or where to go, you can ask the postman in your area, or go to shops and ask them, if they don't have an opening, ask them suggestions, or go online. Take a job you would enjoy and will not be stressful.

- DOWNLOAD MONEY EARNING APPS - There are apps the give you money for doing almost nothing, download some of the apps given below - (know more from The Penny Hoarder)
1. The Ibotta App: Pays You for Taking a Picture of Your Receipts
2. i-Say App: Pays You for Voicing Your Opinions
3. Lucktastic: Get Free Virtual Scratch-off Tickets
4. Acorns App: Invest Your Pocket Change — and Get $5
5. ShopTracker: Share Your Purchase History
6. Drop: Pays You for Making Regular Purchases
7. Paribus: Stop Deleting Your Emails
8. QuickThoughts: Give Companies Your Feedback
9. Trim: Find Out Where You’re Wasting Money
10. Letgo: Sell Your Old Clothes
11. Decluttr: Sell Your Old Electronics
12. QuickThoughts: Give Companies Your Feedback
- TAKE PART IN BETS - It can be ant type of bet with anyone. About some games with friends, or with professional. You can also play games like poker or gamble (not preferable, so be ready to loose money also!).

- PROOF READING - If you have good language skills and don't mind reading a lot, this job will get you a good amount of money.

- INVEST IN SHARES ANDSTOCK MARKET - Buy adequate shares of suitable companies at low rates and sell them when they have a higher value. You can ask a competent friends with good knowledge about them.

- PUT THE MONEY IN THE BANK - Once you have a good amount of money, put it in banks and earn interests. you can also put them in fixed deposits which will give you higher interests. Ask the banker for help and suggestions.

I hope these ideas encourage and help you to earn extra money. If it did help tell me in the comments section. Tell me about how you earned money and how much, also if you think there are any better ways to earn money faster share it with me, I'd love to hear and learn for you!
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