The Past : A Lesson for the Present (556 words)
We will often find ourselves recalling our past; sometimes they may bring smiles on our face while sometimes they may make us frown. We are told by many to not dwell on our past, while they are right in their own way we have to learn to maintain a balance.
Hence I’d say, it is good to once in a while take some time out of our busy lives with hectic schedules, then relax and sit in a place with solitude, go back in time and visualize all episodes of your life and feel the emotions that come along. You may feel euphoria or, you may feel anguish and sorrow. One should enjoy the happiness and perceive the source. While you need to learn from your misery – learn to bear, learn to let go and move on
The Universe puts us through many phases in life because it wants to teach you a lesson and has an ultimate goal, so think every time you are sad or happy, about what the universe is trying to tell you. Sometimes it will be difficult to relinquish and move on, but remember – in order to move forward in life, take the experiences from your past and use them as stepping stones to achieve your new goals and dreams. Do not let your past affect you since you are now who you are now, not what you used to be, so don’t let them hold you back from flying. Remember what is done is done and cannot be reversed so don’t waste your resources, ideas, energy and time, to change the unchangeable, instead invest it on what you can to help your present and future, since crying over spilled milk won’t get the milk back.
Furthermore, it’s not just our past that teaches us lessons but also others’ lives. What I am trying to convey is that we should be inspired by others, how they have to go through many obstacles to reach the top and how exactly did they manage it. You shall find many people who have role models to look up to and to be constantly encouraged by. All of us have role models, at least as children we idolize and revere our parents, since they always seemed to know everything. And keeping that in mind the next time your parents try to lecture you, I’d suggest that you do not stomp off and say that they do not know anything, because there are high chances that they do since they have gone through the same circumstances since they have seen more rains than us. Many times you will also find your friends going through tough times, at that time don’t judge them, rather learn from it; and when they are moving forward don’t be jealous, rather learn how are they growing. Also, next time you are in history class don’t think that it is boring, and what our ancestors did was crazy, rather learn from their mistakes and be inspired by their achievements. All that we have now has been developed gradually, by taking lessons from our ancestors and modifying it.
I am no philosopher, but I suffice it to say that our past is a lesson for the present and future, and that, one should not be ignorant of what the universe has to teach.
Wonderful! Nice English!