Our Common Earth (665 words)
OUR COMMON EARTH The Earth is a majestic and alluring place. It is a really unique planet since it is the only planet with the existence of life, this is possible because it is located in the biosphere, which is a sphere or area located around the sun at a perfect distance from it. The sun is a source of life for all of living things. Earth is divided into biotic and abiotic components. Abiotic components consist of non-living things– air, sunlight, water and soil; they divide the Earth into three spheres or systems – lithosphere (land), hydrosphere (water) and atmosphere (air). Biotic components consist of living things – animals and plants, they make the forth sphere or system – biosphere. Abiotic and Biotic components are always interdependent on each other in some or the other way. Humans are a part of the biotic components, since we are living organisms and have evolved from the hominoid family of the great apes, hence we too are animals, more specifically mon...