We often find ourselves bored at home, because we think we have no work to do, but boredom is often a good thing since it's basically a feeling you have during free time. So here are somethings sure to keep life spiced up and help you spend quality time when you are confined in the four walls of your house.
- READ A BOOK - Reading is a very good way to spend and beneficial. There are many kinds of books - fantasies, autobiographies, novels, journals, encyclopedias ,etc. So if you think book reading is not your forte go pick out different types of books from your local book store or library and read at 45 mins diligently before you give up.

- LISTEN TO MUSIC - Music is way to your heart and the outburst of your soul, it helps you feel emotions you can't describe. There are many types of songs that will suit your taste and mood. You can ask your music loving friend for good band or search for a musical instrument to your satisfactory.
- WATCH A MOVIE -Who doesn't like netflix and chill?! Make yourself popcorn and some snacks, then lounge on the sofa or spread blankets in front of your t.v and relax. You can subscribe for netflix or tune onto your favourite channel or download a movie from youtube. Pick any kind of movie you wish - thriller, action, rom-com, horror, documentaries, etc.

- WRITE DOWN YOUR THOUGHTS AND EXPERIENCES - When you have free time and have nothing to do it the best time to ponder upon your life and thoughts, since you do not have any distractions. So pick up a new diary and start writing your heart out, later you can even decorate it.

- DRAW AND PAINT - Painting helps a person bring out emotions on a flat surface. Since you have time to yourself now, pick up some pencils and paints or colours and use your imagination to create a piece of art or replicate ones which inspire you. If you don't have paints or colours, doodle or sketch.

- DANCE - Dance it a wonderful form of art, it helps us relax and keep ourselves fit. You can put on some loud music and choreograph your dance, or go on youtube and check out some dance tutorials. There are many forms of dances - ballet, classical, hip-hop, jazz, zumba, etc - you are bound to like, so you can sign up for their classes during your free time and practice it when at home.

- BAKE - If you like baking or are a foodie and have an oven or even a microwave you can check out some recipes online or try out your grandma's recipes, for baked dishes using items you have, then sit back and relish the delicacies and if you wish, share it with your friend or neighbour and enjoy the compliments .

- WORKOUT - Who doesn't want a fit and toned body, all of us keep on making plans for working out but often our free time doesn't permit us, so now is the time you pick up your dumbbells or check out some youtube videos on how to work out for certain parts of your body. if you have a gym pass, then wear your sexy gym clothes and get out of your house and hit the gym.

- COOK YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER A MEAL - We all expect our partners to pamper us so now it a time to do the same (if you don't cook well it's okay, it's the effort that counts). Imagine the smile on his/her face and cook their favourite dish or your masterpiece, spend time decorating it and make it a home 'date'.

- TRY OUT A DIY - There are plenty DIY youtube videos which many of us might spend time watching now the time to make it and help decorate your house or make useful stuff.
- SOLVE WORD PROBLEMS AND QUIZZES - It's time to fuel your brain, therefore do a puzzle or solve quizzes lying at home, if not download an app or check some websites or even your newspapers and magazines.

- DO YOGA OR MEDITATION - Put on some light instrumental music or sit in a quiet place, then do some yoga poses or just sit and think on the events of your life/ remove all the thoughts in your mind letting the calm settle over you and savour the tranquillity.

- PAMPER YOUR BODY - No quality time is better than time spent on yourself. So do some manicure and apply the nail polish lying around, or cream and massage your body realising your stress, etc.
- DRAW A BUBBLE BATH - Soak your self in warm water and indulge in the fragrances and maybe some wine.

- CLEAN YOUR SURROUNDINGS - A clean and organised creates a positive aura and helps you navigate your way through your possessions at home. So pick up the messiest yet small section of your house (accessories, underwear,etc) , so you are not intimidated, and start cleaning it. you'll thank me when you find something that has been 'missing' and also the next time you need something a don't have to spend hours finding it ;).
- ORGANISE EMAILS - all of us get many advertising email that clog up our email box, so spend time organising it and delete the ads.
- WRITE SURPRISE POST CARDS TO YOUR LONG-DISTANCE FRIEND, OR CAL/VIDEO CHAT WITH THEM (CAN ALSO BE YOUR BEST FRIEND) - catching up with friends and the latest gosssip can be fun, so pick up the phone and dial there no. or leave sweet voice mails or you can also invite them home.

- DO YOUR LAUNDRY - Who likes a pile of stinking clothes or prefers creased clothes over ironed ones!

- SLEEP/ TAKE A POWER NAP - Catching up on the z's has many health benefits! So make your bed super comfy, hit your head on it and have sweet dreams.
- BROWSE RANDOMLY ON NET, YOUTUBE OR PINTEREST - There are many things on published on then, you're bound to find some interesting topics you are curious about and learn new things.
- ONLINE SHOPPING - Online shopping is a rave now a days! Buy the stuff you need at home - cleaners, groceries, rugs, etc - or randomly buy the stuff you find interesting and usable.

- FINISH ALL THE PENDING STUFF - Like they say "do stuff now that is to be done today, and do stuff today that is to be done tomorrow, so you can enjoy tomorrow", besides who likes to keep their mind loaded with stuff pilling on.

- LEARN NEW THINGS - Live is too short to do all thing this world has to offer, keep learning new thing and find new hobbies, there will keep you stimulated and motivated in life.
I'm hope some of these things keep you busy and free you from boredom if not check out my other 'things to do' which will keep coming or browse through other sites and pictures. Make sure to hit the comments section and tell me how you would spend your free time and kill boredom. I would also love to hear from you, if these activities helped you!
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