- GO FOR A WALK - Walking is a great way to refresh your mind. Wear some head phones with good music with your sports shoes and you're good to go. You can also take your dog for a walk and challenge your self for long distances.
- GO TO THE GYM - If you've payed money for the gym, now is the time. hit the gym and sweat it out while getting yourself fit.
- JOIN SOME CLASSES - It's time to learn and practice new thing, sign up for classes like - drawing, dancing, calligraphy, computer techniques, baking, etc - and go for at least five class.
- GO TO THE NEARBY CAFE - Hit your favourite cafe or eatery and order your favourite or their special treats.

- GO SHOPPING - There are bound to be stuff necessary around your house, if not just go to the nearby stationery or clothing stores and buy want you like. If you do not have enough money to buy go for window shopping.

- GO TO A LOCAL SCENIC PLACE - You ought to have some beaches, monuments, museums or rivers and lakes with greenery. Go there for hiking or excavating and have a picnic.
- GO TO A NEARBY SPORTS CLUB - There are many kinds of sports available in sports clubs like - football, badminton, tennis, table tennis, cricket, etc - go and try out the most suitable one for you. You can also go to and open area and play some sports with your friends.

- GO TO THE PARK - The park is a place that will offer you greenery and plenty of open space. Go there and sit and meditate, do yoga or exercise, or just walk around and stop to smell the different types of plants and flowers.
- GO SWIMMING - Wear you new swim suit showing some skin and enjoy get soaked in the nearest swimming pool.
- GO BIKE RIDDING - Ride your bike to far off places were you can't go walking and maybe even car and enjoy the different views and the wind swooshing through your face.

- MAP YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD - Go to lanes you haven't gone and list down the llane and building you pass. Next time you want to go somewhere in your neighbourhood you won't need GPS, or help someone stuck on the road, or even find shortcuts to places you regularly visit.

- PLANT TREES - It's time you give back mother nature. take some seeds from fruits or buy some from a close by store and plant them in a suitable area, don't forget to water it daily!
- TAKE OUTDOOR PICTURES - Remove different types of picture that are available to be viewed from your city, so take your camera or mobile and click pictures of your neighbourhood or scenic places and post them on social media or your blogspot.
- GO TO THE LIBRARY - Pick up your favourite book and just sit in a quiet place while getting lost in the book or absorbing knowledge. You could spend plenty of time mapping the shelves of your library and discovering different sections.

- GO TO A VOLUNTEERING CENTRE - There are many places around where you can offer your services for the betterment of your society. You can choose your forte like - teaching, coaching, cooking free food, etc.
- STARGAZING - Go to the closest observatory and observe the beauty of the night shy. Point out different planets or stars and the moon. You can also go to a open area at a good height and try counting the number of stars.
- GO TO THE THEATRE - The cinema hall is bound to have some movie going on to suit your taste, so go there buy some popcorn and enjoy. If you want you can go online and check the show that are available and fortunate enough you can avail many discounts.
- CLIMB A TREE - Learn to climb a tree, then pick out some fruits, or sit there and enjoy the view, or if you want scream and prank a passerby.
- SET UP A STREET STALL - Make some simple items like - lemonade, milkshakes, crafts, paintings, origami, etc - with the help of your friends and sell them in a crowded area. It is a great way to spend time with friends and also earn money.

I hope these activities keep you energetic and lively, if not check out my 'things to do' which will keep on coming and improving or browse through other websites and pictures. Make sure to hit the comments section and tell me what you do when want to go outside. I would also love o hear from you tried out these activities and how was your experience!
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